Christmas - In Stories and Poetry (Audiobook)
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Read by Richard Mitchley, Christopher Ragland & Ghizela Rowe (Unabridged: 2hrs 30mins)

Featuring poems and stories by William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Louis Stevenson, Thomas Hardy, Ella Wheeler Wilcox & others.

Christmas may come but once a year but human emotions, the driving force of our characters are with us every day. 

Yet, somehow these same emotions when they happen at Christmas, seem amplified, we seem more tender to their touch, their words.

In this volume we take the verse and poems of our classic poets and put them alongside our short story masters to reveal a Christmas that everyone remembers and that everyone wants to be part of.

In this compilation - 

1 - Christmas. In Stories and in Poetry - An Introduction
2 - What the Bells Saw and Said by Louisa May Alcott
3 - Christmas Bells by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
4 - Ring Out Wild Bells. Christmas Poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson
5 - As Sleigh Bells Seem In Summer by Emily Dickinson
6 - Minstrels.  A Christmas Poem by William Wordsworth
7 - Carol by Ben Jonson
8 - A Christmas Carol by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
9 - A Christmas Carol by G K Chesterton
10 - A Christmas Carol by Aubrey De Vere
11 - Old Christmastide (An Extract) by Sir Walter Scott
12 - No Mercy Here by Daniel Sheehan
13 - Christmas Carol by Sara Teasdale
14 - The Gift of the Magi by O Henry
15 - The Three Kings by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
16 - An Ode of the Birth of Our Saviour by Robert Herrick
17 - On the Morning of Christs Nativity by John Milton
18 - Nativity by John Donne
19 - The Nativity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by Christopher Smart
20 - God Rest by Daniel Sheehan
21 - Upon Christ His Birth by Sir John Suckling
22 - Christmas For Atheists by Daniel Sheehan
23 - A Nativity by Rudyard Kipling
24 - The Beggar Boy at Christ's Christmas Tree by Fyodor Dostoevsky
25 - The Beautiful Mother by Jacopone da Todi
26 - New Prince New Pomp by Robert Southwell
27 - The Burning Babe by Robert Southwell
28 - The Nativity by Henry Vaughan
29 - The Mother of God by William Butler Yeats
30 - The Savior Must Have Been A Docile Gentleman by Emily Dickinson
31 - Christmas Poem by Robert Herrick
32 - December Sales Drive by Daniel Sheehan
33 - A Christmas Ghost Story by Thomas Hardy
34 - The House of Christmas by G K Chesterton
35 - Christmas Eve in War Times by Edward Payson Roe
36 - A Visit From St Nicholas ('Twas The Night Before Christmas) by Clement Moore
37 - The Snow Man by Wallace Stevens
38 - Christmas Eve by Christina Rossetti
39 - The Masque of Christmas by Ben Jonson
40 - Christmas Fancies by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
41 - Christmas At Sea by Robert Louis Stevenson
42 - In The Bleak Midwinter by Christina Georgina Rossetti