John Keats - A Tribute in Verse (Audiobook)
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Read by Richard Mitchley, Ghizela Rowe & Gideon Wagner (Unabridged: 1hr 2mins)

Featuring poems by Oscar Wilde, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, George Meredith, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Sara Teasdale, Thomas Hardy & more.

Keats.  The name is synonymous with great romantic poetry and great romantic poets.  A short life but a legacy of works that few, if any, can rival.

And of course his end was to be tragically romantic.  Keats was returning one night to his home in Hampstead when he coughed.  He coughed a single drop of blue blood upon his hand and said ‘I know the colour of that blood, it is arterial blood, it is my death warrant, I must die’.<p>And so it was that tuberculosis took its slow, devastating hold.  He moved to Rome hoping the warmer climate would help but died, at age 25, in the Eternal City in 1821.

His death robbed the world of its young and beautifully talented wordsmith.  Such was the esteem among his fellow poets that so many wrote of the joy of his works and the grief of his death.

This is their tribute.


In this compilation - 

01 - John Keats - A Tribute in Verse
02 - Adonais; An Elegy On The Death Of John Keats by Percy Bysshe Shelley
03 - John Keats by Alexander Anderson
04 - Keats - Sappho by John Bannister Tabb
05 - The Poetry of Keats by George Meredith
06 - Keats by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
07 - To John Keats by Amy Lowell
08 - To John Keats, Poet, At Spring Time by Countee Cullen
09 - John Keats by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
10 - Keats by Adelaide Crapsey
11 - Keats by John Bannister Tabb
12 - Keats by Henry van Dyke
13 - John Keats by Richard Hovey
14 - To John Keats by James Henry Leigh Hunt
15 - Sonnet - Written in Keats by Thomas Hood
16 - For The Anniversary Of John Keats' Death  by Sara Teasdale
17 - On The Same - On Receiving A Crown of Ivy from Keats  by James Henry Leigh Hunt
18 - Written Under a Portrait of Keats by John Boyle O'Reily
19 - After a Lecture on Keats by Oliver Wendell Holmes
20 - Severn, Friend of Keats by Roden Berkeley Wriothesley Noel
21 - On the Sale by Auction of Keats' Love Letters by Oscar Wilde
22 - At a House in Hampstead Sometime the Dwelling of John Keats by Thomas Hardy
23 - At the Grave of Keats by Christopher Pearse Cranch
24 - At the Grave of Keats by Alexander Anderson
25 - The Grave of Keats by Silas Weir Mitchell
26 - The Grave of Keats by Oscar Wilde