Dead at 44 (Audiobook)
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Read by Richard Mitchley & Christopher Ragland (Unabridged: 4hrs 6mins)

Science, better diet, advanced medicines are all part of a process that in the modern age keep most of us going to a ripe old age.

In previous times some diseases could only be slowed and not defeated. There toil of relentless attack on our physical forms brought misery and decay. 

Add to this that within our number some will self-destruct, demons will pursue their inner thoughts and life will be too painful to bear. Some may shuffle off the mortal coil for no discernible reason, but life will end early, they will not take up their three-score year and ten.<p><p>In this collection of short stories some of our most popular and well-known authors are grouped together with an unfortunate tag: dead at 40.

These authors are not run-of-the-mill or ten a penny; many are literary leviathans who left enduring works of literature and sadly may have left us many more had they lived. We will never know.

Death for these authors was usually due to many health issues but primarily: —

Anton Chekhov - Tuberculosis

D H Lawrence – Tuberculosis

F Scott Fitzgerald – Heart attack

Robert Louis Stevenson - Cerebral hemorrhage

Henry Harland – Tuberculosis

In this compilation - 

01 - Dead at 44 - An Introduction
02 - The Lady with the Dog by Anton Chekhov
03 - Odour of Chrysanthemums by D H Lawrence
04 - Bernice Bobs Her Hair by F Scott Fitzgerald
05 - Markheim by Robert Louis Stevenson
06 - A Responsibility by Henry Harland